After 1 month of lockdown and #stayathome

3 min readJul 29, 2021

The month of July felt very fast like the wind. In my country, the COVID-19 situation began to peak into a second wave since July 1st. I remember that day I got my first dose of vaccine. Then, fever and headache appeared, so I had to rest. While working at home and getting things done in bad conditions. Survive boredom and feelings of stress.

Stress is the most influential cause of disease symptoms. When I’m stressed, other illnesses start to appear, such as stomach acid and headaches. The body feels weak and can’t do anything, there is no energy at all even to sit. No appetite. My only entertainment is watching Korean dramas. It’s like looking at someone else’s life and time suddenly disappears in an instant.

I often ask myself something like, “why is it suddenly night?” or “why does the time go by so fast?”

Yes, indeed when spending time at home, time seems to be wasted. No strenuous activity, no interesting chatter or not seeing anything new. Everything seems bored.

However, a few weeks later, I began to feel comfortable at home. I don’t have to try to socialize with other people. No need to be tired here and there. Start looking for activities that you can do at home, learn new things through online courses, or just write what you think about that day. However, I actually learned about mindfulness when I tried to stay at home. Get to know yourself and talk to yourself. Find out what you really want. Embrace and follow the will of your heart.

Not only myself, but I also came to know what the situation was in my home and family. What has been a problem for my parents during this time? Closer and chat with my sister. Slowly, I began to understand how they felt. I started to forgive and not hate them since I started trying to get to know them deeply. I realize that the more you get to know the person, the less reason to hate them.

I also get new opportunities to do hobbies even at home, such as writing. No distractions. When I write, I like to talk to myself. Concentrating thoughts and feelings and writing from my own heart. Everyone feels relieved. It doesn’t need to be read by others but I’m relieved to be able to get my thoughts out. Writing does not need to be perfect, because there will be no perfect writing. But how your writing can change someone else’s day with hope.

This 1 month really taught me the meaning of being alone. Alone doesn’t mean lonely. However, with yourself, you can know the true meaning of life. Accept the good and bad of your life situation. Problems will always exist, but the process of adapting, evaluating, surviving, and finding solutions is the most important thing that we must do gradually.

My life during the lockdown and staying at home is not fun, but there are positive things that I can get, especially since my relationship with my family is improving. Then, I started to try new things that I didn’t expect. I started trying to get to know myself. Then, I started to talk to myself which can reduce my anxiety. Thanks to myself for sticking around so far. Hopefully, we will always survive in the midst of life that is not always fine.

Life is always required to make decisions quickly or to be perfect. Conditions like this are our way of taking a break from the demands of life.

Silence and meditation bring us to the process of life with greater resilience.

